Tuesday 29 October 2013

A girl's life

I and i  believe most of  you believe in love and romance, but there’s a certain amount of crap we should be willing to take and digest. Hollywood, Bollywood or any other wood tends to leave out the difficult or say trashy parts, and when the  movies are out all we see is an almost always happy ending.
Love doesn't always win. There’s a lot more in the days when you’re between love, episodes and segments of your life. You don’t have to be sitting in the junkyards every day waiting for the lustrous days.
Well you and most of us want change in our lives or relationships? Well this does not just come as you sit and wait! You have to get up and change it yourself. Remember life does not come with a remote control. There's nothing magical to wait for you are the only one who can make it happen. 
When you feel like you are messed up remember that the mess gives life its depth, texture and richness hence highlighting the beauty. So, embrace the mess inside you, judge yourself less (this reduces the need to judge others) and girl, keep breathing of course!
So, between time, what’s a girl to do? Chocolates, ice cream, wine and hanging out wildly with your girls might be your regular fix for bad episodes in your life, you've got to get out and experience the world. Well if you are single, you have you and not much of anyone else to think about. Don’t you just love it? On the other hand if dating, courting or married you do not have to suffocate your partner by always being around them, remember you had a life before they came into your life, go to the spa, gym yourself out, go bowling or whatever it is that keeps you going! Do not at one time make your man your crutch! However addictive he is. He is your partner, best friend and soul mate who should walk with you every step of your life without feeling suffocated or handcuffed next to you. 
On the other hand when love does not seem to come your way, do not fall for anything that comes your way, you will end up frustrated and the kind that hate men and  like Joyce Meyer says, "Love doesn't mean that you become a doormat and let everyone walk all over you. You confront when God shows you that you ought to confront. And you wait on Him when He tells you to wait on Him." 
Lastly do not give up, there is someone out there for you 

Written by:
Gracie Kagwe


  1. There’s a lot more in the days when you’re between love, episodes and segments of your life. You don’t have to be sitting in the junkyards every day waiting for the lustrous days. <----- you spoke to me!!!
