Monday 23 June 2014

The other woman

Dear "The Other Woman",

Am writing not because i just realised you exist, but because i heard you are drowning yourself in tears... i have known you exist ever since you had coffee with my man. Why do you cry if i may ask, while you have been all bubbly and painting the world with your smiles while moving around with another woman's it because he suddenly left? Well it was bound to happen sooner or later.

You knew he was taken, but you insisted on "falling" for him .... you insisted on being with him, seduced him with all your fake charm and ... Well a man will be a man and will take advantage of what is given easy and free... repeat "easy" because well, that is what you are you make it easy for men. He will play along, but just for a moment before he gets tired and goes back to where he calls home. Like chicken, who are let out in the morning and go hunting all day but at 6.00 pm will hop back home, so do these men.

Some thoughts you need to keep in mind though, all this time he was (Please note am using past tense because he is probably waiting for another "easy prey" not you...well he got tired of you) with you his wife or fiancee or main girlfriend and children if any... was/were always on his mind, am not saying you were never on his mind, you were but in different ways but he permanently thought of his main woman.... are you doubting that? did he spend the night with you? and if he did it was once in a blue moon and he hurriedly left your house the next morning. Please note that even if he did spend a weekend or a week with you, he eventually went home.

This man looked good, he was well groomed, well fed (not with junk on a fast food place), had a good job and was climbing through his career ladder...why because his woman motivated and encouraged him and had been there for him, because his woman was breaking her back cleaning after him while you took him to a fast food restaurant oh! because you did not want to break your well manicured nails cooking and cleaning for him or because you thought this was what he liked, well you were wrong. Question is, where were you when he was going up his career ladder, when he had no cent in his pocket, when he was lean with no muscle, when he had no ride and instead took a bus or a train? 

Ask yourself... where do you spend your main holidays because he is with his main girl on days such as Christmas, new years, valentines, public holidays you must be lonely on such days but anyway he will come and spend with you the "other" days because you are the "other woman"... bet you had not noticed how busy he gets when these days come.

Well am not writing to rebuke, judge or provoke you, it is okay to fall in love but with the right person. Get your own man and make him and enjoy your days with him where you do not have to ask him to come see you as he will always be there when you are his woman, you do not have to cry when he is leaving because you know he is not going to be with his woman, because you are the one.

So why does he cheat with you? Because you are good at being the other woman, because you are not good enough to be THE woman. You have subjected yourself to be the "go to" woman...

I could go on and on, but then again i would not like to consume my thoughts with you as my point is home. To my dear ladies let us not be our own best enemies, if your girlfriend's love life is going well do not put a stop to it, find your own and make the best of it. To the ladies with a cheating man, well that's a story for a  another day.