Monday 23 June 2014

The other woman

Dear "The Other Woman",

Am writing not because i just realised you exist, but because i heard you are drowning yourself in tears... i have known you exist ever since you had coffee with my man. Why do you cry if i may ask, while you have been all bubbly and painting the world with your smiles while moving around with another woman's it because he suddenly left? Well it was bound to happen sooner or later.

You knew he was taken, but you insisted on "falling" for him .... you insisted on being with him, seduced him with all your fake charm and ... Well a man will be a man and will take advantage of what is given easy and free... repeat "easy" because well, that is what you are you make it easy for men. He will play along, but just for a moment before he gets tired and goes back to where he calls home. Like chicken, who are let out in the morning and go hunting all day but at 6.00 pm will hop back home, so do these men.

Some thoughts you need to keep in mind though, all this time he was (Please note am using past tense because he is probably waiting for another "easy prey" not you...well he got tired of you) with you his wife or fiancee or main girlfriend and children if any... was/were always on his mind, am not saying you were never on his mind, you were but in different ways but he permanently thought of his main woman.... are you doubting that? did he spend the night with you? and if he did it was once in a blue moon and he hurriedly left your house the next morning. Please note that even if he did spend a weekend or a week with you, he eventually went home.

This man looked good, he was well groomed, well fed (not with junk on a fast food place), had a good job and was climbing through his career ladder...why because his woman motivated and encouraged him and had been there for him, because his woman was breaking her back cleaning after him while you took him to a fast food restaurant oh! because you did not want to break your well manicured nails cooking and cleaning for him or because you thought this was what he liked, well you were wrong. Question is, where were you when he was going up his career ladder, when he had no cent in his pocket, when he was lean with no muscle, when he had no ride and instead took a bus or a train? 

Ask yourself... where do you spend your main holidays because he is with his main girl on days such as Christmas, new years, valentines, public holidays you must be lonely on such days but anyway he will come and spend with you the "other" days because you are the "other woman"... bet you had not noticed how busy he gets when these days come.

Well am not writing to rebuke, judge or provoke you, it is okay to fall in love but with the right person. Get your own man and make him and enjoy your days with him where you do not have to ask him to come see you as he will always be there when you are his woman, you do not have to cry when he is leaving because you know he is not going to be with his woman, because you are the one.

So why does he cheat with you? Because you are good at being the other woman, because you are not good enough to be THE woman. You have subjected yourself to be the "go to" woman...

I could go on and on, but then again i would not like to consume my thoughts with you as my point is home. To my dear ladies let us not be our own best enemies, if your girlfriend's love life is going well do not put a stop to it, find your own and make the best of it. To the ladies with a cheating man, well that's a story for a  another day.

Monday 7 April 2014

How To Know You Are In Love Or It’s Lust

Category : Blog Home
I met Charles and Molly at one of the coffee shops here in Mombasa recently and after greeting them, I headed to a different table to wait for the person I was to meet. As I waited for my coffee and appointment, I could not help but observe that the two were very strongly attracted to each other physically in the way they kept looking at each other, holding hands and a few other things I do not want to write about here. As I observed them, I wondered to myself, are they in love with each other or are they just lusting after each other.married black couple
I keep being asked by both single men and ladies how they can tell whether somebody loves them genuinely or is just lusting after them and I would like to give you several pointers that can help. Why is it important to do this? Well, Molly is hurting badly because after two months of dating Charles, they broke up four days ago and she feels so used and empty. Theirs was a hot relationship, they could not keep their hands off each other, they touched, fondled and went all the way. They had sex with abandon and thought they really loved each other but from my conversation with Molly, they never really had time to talk about anything thing else. They were badly lusting for each other and were never really in love, now they are hurting, feeling like second hand clothes and wondering what was wrong. Well, it was just lust and not love. Both Molly and Charles had committed themselves to only have sex after marriage but the commitment was broken and they did what they knew very well to be sin simply because they confused lust for love and thought if they give in to their lustful drive, their love would thrive. Truth is, lust never results in thriving love.
To avoid finding yourself where Molly and Charles are, where you are hurting, feeling used and disappointed in yourself, here are  five ways to tell whether it is love or lust:
1. Are you attracted to the person or just their body? If you are attracted to the person, you enjoy being with them, talking about the weather, sports, food or whatever other random topic that the two of you talk about then it looks like love. People lusting after each other get attracted to the body not the person. They like the hips or the muscles and if the person just wants to sit and talk, they find it boring and a waste of time. Couple taking a walkPeople who are in love enjoying going for walks together, serving in a community project, going for seminars or visiting with friends but people who are in lust like getting into the next available hiding spot to play touch and fondle.
2. Do you care for the person or you just want to feel the person? Lust has no other emotions attached to it apart from the driving force to hold the hand, kiss the lips and do other things. Lust wants to feel the warmth or even just stare at the photo marking out the physique and curves but love cares genuinely. Love causes you to thing about the person, you worry whether they are safe. If they don’t call, you wonder if they are well and if they need your help whereas lust wonders who they are with and why. Love will take action to care, protect and meet the needs of the other without thinking about their reward. For lust, covering her with your jacket on a chilly night means getting a hot sexual reward later but love will do it because you want her to be warm and healthy. “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
3. Do you look forward to communicating with the person? If you only talk when it is necessary and you can go through a day, two days or even a week without talking, then for sure, it is lust and not love. Love wants to talk, love will make you write a letter (Anybody still remember what those used to be?) yes, I have seen people write letters and send them even in this day and age. Love will send a text message, make a call during the day, many calls and emails. Hearing his voice or her giggle makes you have an enjoyable day because you realize he or she means so much more than just the physical.
4. Are you willing to sacrifice something for the person? Love gives, love considers the other person, love is kind and love sacrifices. If you cannot miss the football game to go help her out or are unwilling to give up time, cancel a commitment or even take a crazy bus ride to go see the person but only think about yourself, your projects and assignments, then let me say it straight, it is lust. Lust refuses to give up anything not unless their is a reward attached but love will take the night bus ride to travel long distance to go see somebody for an hour or two and then travel back again a whole night. Love will give up the game not grudgingly but The Bible tells us, “Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned.” Song of Solomon 8:7
5. Do you dream of the person in your bed or in your future? If you only think of the person being close, being in your bed and such other thoughts without thinking of them in your future, then you do not need to think a lot, that may not be love but lust. Love begins to see the person in your future, taking a road trip, going on picnic, planning for retirement and other such things. Lust may pretend to speak about such things but as Molly shared with me, when they would meet with Charles, the future would diminish in importance and the fire of the present would become the focus.
Lust does not build up, it destroys. It has no dreams, no future and only leaves a trail of broken and damaged hearts and lives. If it is lust, walk away before your heart is hurt but if it is love, begin to cultivate it by caring, encouraging and building each other up in to be the best that you can be.
Are there other pointers of telling when it is love or lust?  would love to hear from you. Use the comment section below and let us share with each other. Remember, you might help a friend and sending them the link to this post.

Source: Edward Munene ... you inspire me

Monday 31 March 2014

Dear diary: How I became a single mother

Dear diary: How I became a single mother: Dear diary, I can never forget how I could feel my heart sinking deep on to the deepest pits of darkness as I listened carefully to w...

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Life As it is: Love and respect your woman everyday....

Life As it is: Love and respect your woman everyday....: Its the month of love...oh and its been a while since i posted...yes, super exciting to most of us ladies, well today i talk and write to ou...

Love and respect your woman everyday....

Its the month of love...oh and its been a while since i posted...yes, super exciting to most of us ladies, well today i talk and write to our dear men, who we love and treasure...yea ensure they read... 

There is nothing that threatens the security of your woman than the thought of another woman competing for the attention & affection of her man. Nothing is more painful. Nothing is more disrespecting. Nothing is more insulting. Nothing is more belittling & degrading. Every woman needs to know that she is still number one in your life. She needs to know that there is no competitor  for her privileged position in your heart. She needs to know that you will continue to choose her above all others daily....yes DAILY, you may have told her a million times that you love her. You may have told her ten times yesterday that “I love you.” But she needs to be reminded today & every day that you love her even if you think that she already knows that you do. Cherish her daily above all others....this should not be done on valentines day only (for those who only celebrate love on this day)

Secondly, Adulterous Affairs Don’t Begin with Sleeping Together; they begin with inappropriate friendships. Friendship and emotional attachments with people of the opposite sex can spell danger for your relationship. Protect your relationship by avoiding private communications and intimate conversations with people of the opposite sex. Beware of workmates who seem too concerned with your personal private life; those that tell you “let me know if you need anything.” when you have relationship problems beware of who you talk to, those co-workers of the opposite sex who say, " Do you want to talk about it?" Beware of those that give you exaggerated and suggestive compliments about the way you look. Regardless of what is happening in your relationship don’t give the Devil a foothold in your relationship by falling victim to this trap. Let your workmates know there are things you won’t tolerate. Keep a healthy physical, social and emotional distance between you and people of the opposite sex. In most cases your woman must have been there before you got that job, right? Value and respect your woman.

I speak for the woman, not because i am one, but because i know what it takes to be a woman...Happy love month :)